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Explore VA Southern Arizona's diverse program offerings, which include patient health care, cutting-edge clinical research, and other specialties.

Preparing for a colonoscopy

A colonoscopy is a test that lets the doctor view the inside of your lower digestive tract. It can help screen for colon cancers and can also help find the source of abdominal pain, bleeding or changes in bowel habits. A good colonoscopy preparation can help doctors see small polyps and the colonoscopy procedure takes less time with lower risks of complications. The following brochures will help you properly prepare for your colonoscopy procedure. 

colonoscopy preparation  information

Building a healthier you

Do you want to become a healthier you? Whether you have a chronic medical condition, or just want to live a healthier life, the Southern Arizona VA Health Care System(SAVAHCS) has services that can help you achieve your desired health goal.

Most of us know that we should eat healthier, move more, stop smoking, not drink so much, but sometimes we just don’t know where to start, how to start, or maybe how to do what we want to do, find out how at the link below. 

Building a healthier you

Nutrition Classes

Follow the link below to the current classes offered by the Nutrition staff here at Southern Arizona VA Health Care System. The instructors have also included the course materials used during the class. Feel free to look through the classes offered and download any materials as well. There is also a schedule at the bottom of the page. If there is a class you want to learn more about, please call the number listed in the class description to sign up.

Nutrition Classes

Traveling Veteran Services

To coordinate routine services while traveling,
please contact your PACT Team by phone, or
Access MyHealtheVet:

Click the link below to view what is available through Traveling Veteran Services:

Traveling Veteran Services