Stroke Optimization Active Rehabilitation (SOAR) Program
“Improving quality of life through service, knowledge, and innovation.”
Stroke Optimization Active Rehabilitation (SOAR) Program is a comprehensive inpatient rehabilitation program that specializes in the evaluation and treatment of medical, behavioral, functional, physical, psychosocial, vocational/pre-vocational, cognitive, emotional, and neuropsychological consequences for patients following stroke. We provide extensive education and support to patients and caregivers during the stay and beyond. We maintain a full team of dedicated neurological specialists. This program is designed to provide intensive rehab to Veterans and Active-Duty Service Members who have had complex physical and/or mental health injuries.
If you have further questions or want request a referral please send an email to our VA Transfer Coordinator:
Allan Alcantara, RN
VA Cell: |

Program Overview
The SOAR program is housed on the Polytrauma Rehabilitation Unit has 18 private rooms, 3 dayrooms, 3 nurses’ stations, and primary therapy areas nearby on the same floor.
- The Acute Inpatient Rehabilitation Program provides medical, behavioral, functional, physical, psychosocial, vocational/pre-vocational, cognitive, emotional, and neuropsychological evaluations and therapies for patients following stroke. Education and support to patients and caregivers are provided during the stay.
- The 360 Evaluation Program is a short inpatient stay for patients with chronic and long-term stroke related needs. We help with daily living skills, techniques, and equipment.
- The Respite Care Program is a short admission for Veterans with history of stroke. The discharge date is set prior to admission. Routine medical and nursing services are provided during the stay. Caregiver needs and education are also addressed.
We maintain a full team of dedicated rehab specialists. The Centers serve as consultants to other facilities in the VA. It is designed to provide intensive rehab to Veterans and Active-Duty Service Members who have had complex physical and/or mental health injuries.
Inpatient program: Building 38, Polytrauma, 2rd Floor
Our team of neurologic professionals have special training to enhance and restore function and quality of life to our patients.
Multidisciplinary Team
- Family and Caregivers
- Rehabilitation Nurses
- Physiatrists
- Social Work Case Managers
- Neuropsychologists / Psychologist
- Occupational Therapists
- Physical Therapists
- Certified Orthotists and Prosthetists
- Assistive Technology Specialists
- Audiologists
- Speech-Language Pathologists
- Adaptive Driving Instructors
- Chaplain Services
- Dietitians
- Pain Management Specialists
- Active-Duty Military Liaisons
- Vocational Rehabilitation
- Recreations & Creative Arts Therapies
- Vision Therapists
- Psychiatrists
- Aquatic Therapists
- Family Therapist
*Other services are available as needed.
Outpatient Programs
Stroke Rehabilitation Physician
To help us best serve you, please request a consult from your Primary Care Doctor for “RMS Stroke Rehab Outpatient” Clinic phone:
Dr. Joanna Tran will evaluate you and make appropriate referrals.
Referrals may include our Neuro Gait and Balance outpatient physical therapy specialty clinic or Modified Constraint Induced Movement Therapy(mCIMT) program through occupational therapy both located on Tampa VA main campus.
Modified Constraint Induced Movement Therapy(mCIMT) program: Constraint-induced movement therapy (CIMT) is an intensive occupational therapy program that demonstrates improvements in hand and arm recovery after a stroke. The mCIMT program provides, "intensive training for your stroke-affected hand (like ‘boot camp’), while your ‘good’ arm and hand are placed in a constraint ‘mitt’ (like a vacation for your less affected hand) " (Massie, 2014). - Full citation "Massie, L., Gibson, G., Vandenberg, A., & McCluskey, A. (2014). Modified constraint induced movement therapy (mCIMT) program: Participant workbook. Sydney, Australia."
Outpatient Physical and Occupational Therapy
See self-referral flyers.
Outpatient Physical Therapy Stroke Group on Main Tampa VA campus contact our Neuro Gait and Balance clinic
SOAR Program Outcomes
SOAR Program Outcomes
Average improvement in overall functional abilities from admission to discharge was 26 points (based on the Functional Independence Measure [FIM]; national average was 24 points). Our patients receive at least 3 or more hours of therapy a day.
High satisfaction at discharge: 100% of patients and/or caregivers reported overall satisfaction with staff, their treatment plan, the care received, length of stay, training provided, and overall progress.
Where did they go at discharge? 100% went to the community. Compared to 80% nationally.
Where are they at 3 months after discharge? 100% of participants are still living in the community; 98% reported our rehabilitation program improved their quality of life, met their rehabilitation expectations, and prepared them for going home.
2023 for 3rd Quarter
Average improvement in overall functional abilities from admission to discharge was 27.3 points (based on the Functional Independence Measure [FIM]; national average was 24.6 points). Our patients receive at least 3 or more hours of therapy a day
High satisfaction at 3 months after discharge: 100% of patients and/or caregivers reported overall satisfaction with staff, their treatment plan, the care received, length of stay, training provided, and overall progress.
Where did they go at discharge? 100% went to the community. Compared to 80% nationally
2023 Annual data
Where are they at 3 months after discharge? 93% of participants are still living in the community.
Additional Stroke and Rehabilitation Resources
American Heart Association
Stroke Caregiver Support
U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
National Caregiver Support Line
Toll-Free Number:
RESCUE Home - Resources and Education for Stroke Caregivers' Understanding and Empowerment (
Center for Disease Control
(National Center for Injury Prevention and Control)
American Stroke Association – for stroke information
SOAR Facility VR Tour
Want to see the James A. Haley VA Physical Therapy Facilities? Check out the link below!
Physical Therapy Services
A consult is no longer needed for some Physical Therapy services. See Flyer below for more information!
Occupational Therapy Services
A consult is no longer needed for Occupational Therapy services. See Flyer below for more information!
Community Outreach
Check out the March 2025 Brain Injury Awareness Month Event Calendar!