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Happy National Family Caregivers Month

Happy National Family Caregivers Month (NFCM)!

As caregivers of Veterans, you make immeasurable sacrifices to care for our Nation’s heroes. The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Caregiver Support Program (CSP) thanks you for all you do and for who you are.

Watch this special NFCM message to Veterans’ caregivers from CSP’s Executive Director, Dr. Colleen M. Richardson.


CSP understands that there are many components that make caregivers who they are. In alignment with the Caregiver ActionNetwork, this year’s NFCM theme is #CaregiverAnd. This theme aims to encourage you, our caregivers, to embrace your sense of self, including your identities outside of being caregivers.  

Celebrate NFCM with an event near you!

CSP understands that there are many components that make caregivers who they are. In alignment with the Caregiver Action Network, this year’s NFCM theme is #CaregiverAnd. This theme aims to encourage you, our caregivers, to embrace your sense of self, including your identities outside of being caregivers.  

In recognition of NFCM, and as a small token of CSP’s appreciation, we’re launching a nation-wide, month-long celebration that includes a variety of fun events, classes, and networking opportunities at local VA facilities across the country. No matter where you are, your local CSP team has an NFCM event planned just for you. Finding an event near you is easy:

We’re excited to celebrate with you, and we hope you are just as excited to celebrate with us. Reach out today to your local CSP team today!

For more information on  your local Community Caregivers Program click here: Tuscaloosa VA Caregiver Support  or call 205-554-2000 ext: 1-3144