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Read about what's happening in our VA Western Colorado health care community.

No more long phone waits or trips to the VA medical center. The VA: Health and Benefits App lets you refill prescriptions, message your care team and check benefits anytime, anywhere. With a 4.8 rating in the app store, many Veterans feel it's an essential tool for managing their VA health care.

Graphic showcasing VA's health and benefits mobile app, motivating individuals to take the first step towards downloading the app.

At VA, we understand that care for our Veterans doesn’t stop when they leave a VA medical center.

Logo for VA caregiver support, featuring supportive imagery and text that emphasizes care and assistance for Veterans.

U.S. Air Force Veteran’s experience highlights the life-changing impact of VA’s Blind Rehabilitation Services.

A man wearing a white baseball cap, dark sunglasses and a blue polo shirt sitting in front of a projector

The sobering reality is that many people reading this have had a loved one die by suicide, including Veterans, their families and their friends. Suicide is a public health challenge that brings immeasurable pain. There is hope, though, because suicide is preventable.

network director photo

Do you know how to access your VA health care on federal holidays?

A woman wearing a green blouse talking on a headset

U.S. Air Force Veteran Tina Hart was dealing with ongoing problems from a disruptive neighbor, making her home life stressful.


Laura Mockler began volunteering at Grand Junction VA Medical Center (VAMC) in 1970, when she was 37. Today, this 90-year-old holds the honor of being the longest-tenured volunteer for VA Western Colorado Health Care System.

Two images of same elderly woman. Left: She pushes a man in a wheelchair. Right: She cleans Bingo cards with a wipe.

U.S. Army Veteran Anthony “Tony” Drees was first invited to the National Disabled Veterans Winter Sports Clinic (Winter Sports Clinic) in 1992, when he skied on two legs.

Smiling man with one leg sits with his arm around his dog.

Explore Chuck Ackerman's journey to managing pain and regaining an active lifestyle with help from VA Western Colorado Health Care System's Whole Health Program.

A cheerful man in a vibrant yellow shirt stands beside a wall adorned with a delightful mix of red and white balloons.

When U.S. Army Veteran James Eaton couldn’t make it to his appointment, VA Western Colorado Health Care System’s orthotics and prosthetics team drove to his home, helping him overcome distance and travel hurdles.

A man in a black t-shirt and gray shorts standing in front a vehicle with the hood open