Explore White River Junction VA's diverse program offerings, which include patient health care, cutting-edge clinical research, and other specialties.
Inpatient care at White River Junction VA
Learn more about services available to inpatients, caregivers, and ways to make your inpatient stay more comfortable. Recognize excellent care by nominating nursing staff for a Daisy Award or non-licensed Nursing Service staff for a BEE Award!
You can find our inpatient handbook below.
Daisy Award: celebrate and recognize a nurse for excellence in clinical care, kindness, and compassion
Nurses every day go above and beyond to not only provide patients and families with excellence in clinical care but also compassion. At The DAISY Foundation, we aim to honor them by showing our profound gratitude for all that they do. The DAISY Award is a recognition program to celebrate and recognize nurses by collecting nominations from patients, families, and co-workers. It is run by our partners as a way to thank nurses for the care and kindness they provide.
BEE Award: recognize non-licensed Nursing Service staff for Being Extraordinary Everyday
Looking for BEE Award nominations!! The BEE Award: Being Extraordinary Everyday. This award recognizes and celebrates non-licensed Nursing Service staff who demonstrate excellence through their clinical skills and the extraordinary compassionate care they deliver every day. They are recognized as outstanding role models for other non-licensed nursing staff. We want to hear from you! Please take a moment and write up what they do. We want to recognize these employees and the work they do.
Whole Health
The White River Junction VA values your whole health and wellness, including a healthy mind, body, and soul. We have a variety of programs and classes available to support the areas that you would like to focus on.
If you have general questions, please contact our Whole Health Program, ext. 5615.
Wellness and Resource lists and descriptions are below.

Pain 101: Introduces Veterans to many of the resources available for those coping with chronic pain.
Health Psychology: Veterans can meet 1:1 with a Health Psychologist or Fellow to work on coping strategies for pain, sleep, and healthy lifestyle changes.
Clinical Hypnosis: Used to treat a variety of conditions such as anxiety, insomnia, obesity, nicotine addiction, chronic pain, and more. Can help with controlling unwanted behaviors (such as nail biting, teeth grinding, etc.) and phobias.
iRest Yoga Nidra: Integrative Restoration (iRest) is designed to help people learn to relax and release stress. It involves guided visualization and meditation. iRest has been used for the treatment of insomnia, anxiety, depression, chronic pain, and PTSD.
Fly Tying Groups for Veterans: Open group. Learn fly fishing basics, fly casting, fly tying, and rod building. Fishing outings, one-day or multi-day available. Everything is provided at no cost. Disabled Veterans or Active Duty Veterans may be eligible.
Combat Veterans Peer Support
Women’s Support Group
Women’s Coffee and Tea Social
Guitars for Vets Program
Veteran’s Coffee Social: Casual, open-style group hoping to grab the attention of those looking for community and connection. All veterans are welcome.
Men’s Group
Stress and Stress Management Group: a cohort-style group that will explore the physiology of stress and relaxation, look at the relationship between stress and health, and introduce at least 5 specific stress management techniques.
Flipping the Switch - Mental Health Skills Group: this Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)-based group will help you: create a more meaningful and fulfilling life, reclaim your control over unpleasant thoughts and feelings, and be more present in your day-to-day life.
Intro to Whole Health Group: learn about VHA Whole Health healthcare transformation, and how Whole Health can support them on their journey toward greater health and wellness. Participants will design a healthcare plan based on their individual needs and interests.
Taking Charge of My Life and Health Group: this 1-hour work group takes a deep dive into the 8 self-care components of the Circle of Health. Veterans are given the resources and support to explore what matters to them and start developing a personalized healthcare plan based on their values, needs, and goals.
Tai Chi: Tai Chi class with a focus on arthritis and falls prevention. Veterans can stand or be seated to participate.
Aquatic Tai Chi: The class is free and you can come as often as you’d like. A
lifeguard is on duty for your safety. Available face-to-face at the CCBA in Lebanon, NH.
Yoga: Free volunteer-led yoga classes are offered weekly
Pool Therapy: 6-session pool therapy offered through WRJ VAMC Physical Therapy. Ask your Primary
Care Provider to refer you for a Pool Therapy Assessment
Physical Therapy: Specific therapeutic exercises combined with manual therapy to help empower
Veterans to regain function and movement. Referral by Primary Care Provider required. Available face to-
face and virtually/by video (VVC).
Recreation Therapy: Groups for Veterans interested in participating in Adaptive Sports or Recreation
Therapy. Exercise classes, Yoga, Chair Yoga, Virtual Kayaking, and more. Referral required. If interested,
please ask your Provider for a referral to Recreational Therapy
Complementary and Integrative Care
Acupuncture: Veterans may qualify for a community care referral outside the VA. Ask your Primary Care
Provider for a consult.
Therapeutic Yoga: Yoga class with a focus on chronic pain and reducing symptoms of PTSD. Veterans can stand or be seated to participate. A Whole Health consult is needed from your provider. These are closed groups. Available face-to-face and virtually or via video (VVC).
Battlefield Acupuncture (BFA): Auricular (ear) acupuncture can decrease pain by inserting microneedles
into acupressure points in the ears. Visits are 30 minutes. If interested, please ask your provider for a
referral to Whole Health. Available face-to-face at WRJ and many of our community-based VA outpatient clinics.
Art Therapy: Groups for Veterans interested in participating in Art Therapy. Referral required. Contact
Art Therapy Ext.5454.
Reiki: - *check for availability*- Reiki is an energy-based, non-invasive therapy that provides life force energy to rebalance the human energy field. The practitioner uses energy directed by their hands to strengthen the body’s ability to heal. If interested, please ask your Provider for a referral to Whole Health. Offered face-to-face at WRJ when available. Contact Whole Health for more information.
Nutrition and overall wellness
Nutrition counseling: available on an individual basis, face-to-face and video
MOVE! Weight Management Program: (16) weekly sessions, face-to-face, and video
Home Telehealth: video or phone
Healthy Teaching Kitchen: video series, (6) weekly classes
Diabetes shared medical appointment: face-to-face
Veteran's Intuitive Eating Group: (12) weekly classes, virtual or video, call Ext 5574 or 3455 to sign up
Whole Health Social Work: not currently available but coming soon! One-hour session with Whole Health Social Worker discussing Personal Health Inventory; offers motivational interviewing and shared decision-making for support with setting SMART goals to obtain desired outcomes within the Veteran’s treatment plan. If interested, please ask your Provider for a referral to a Whole Health social worker.
Caregiver Health and Wellbeing Coaching: Caregiver Health and Wellbeing Coaching (CHWC) uses a
Whole Health lens to focus on what matters most to a caregiver, instead of what’s the matter with the
caregiver. CHWC assists caregivers to realize their own health goals based on their life’s Mission/Aspiration/Purpose (MAP). A CHWC is a personal guide who works with the caregiver to develop a personalized health plan based on the caregiver’s values, needs, and goals. Caregiver Health & Wellbeing Coaches are trained to draw on a caregiver’s strengths and values to optimize efforts towards achieving aspirations.
Advanced Care Planning: Veterans and their loved ones join a one-hour discussion about how to plan
for future medical care and create an advance directive