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Center for Women Veterans (CWV)


Advisory Committee on Women Veterans

VA Advisory Committee on Women Veterans members
VA’s Advisory Committee on Women Veterans (ACWV), during site visit at VA Maryland Health Care System (VAMHCS) in Baltimore, Maryland on June 13-16, 2023

Current News

11/13/2024—Federal Register :: Advisory Committee on Women Veterans, Notice of Meeting

VA’s Advisory Committee on Women Veterans is conducting a virtual meeting on December 3-5, 2024. The meeting sessions are open to the public. On Tuesday, December 3, the meeting will begin at 1:00 p.m. ET and end 4:00 p.m. The agenda includes updates on Veterans Health Administration (VHA) initiatives, and full committee discussion on 2018 report recommendations. On Wednesday, December 4, 2024, the meeting will begin at 1:00 p.m. ET and end 4:30 p.m. The committee will receive updates from VHA and the Veterans Benefits Administration, and will have full committee discussion on 2020 report recommendations.

On Thursday, December 5, 2024, the meeting will begin at 1:00 p.m. ET and end 4:00 p.m. The committee will receive updates from VHA, and conduct a full committee discussion on the status of 2022 report recommendations. Time will also be allotted for the public to provide comments starting at 3:30 p.m. and end no later than 4:00p.m. (EST). The comment period may end sooner, if there are no comments presented or they are exhausted before the end time. Individuals interested in providing comments during the public comment period are allowed no more than three minutes for their statements. Those who want to submit written statements for the Committee’s information should submit them to the Center for Women Veterans at


The Advisory Committee on Women Veterans (ACWV) was established and chartered in November 1983 by Public Law 98-160.  The Advisory Committee on Women Veterans assesses the needs of women Veterans, with respect to VA programs such as compensation, rehabilitation, outreach, healthcare, etc.  The Committee reviews VA’s programs, activities, research projects and other initiatives designed to meet the needs of women Veterans; and makes recommendations to the Secretary on ways to improve, modify, and affect change in programs and services for women Veterans and follows up on all those recommendations.

Advisory Committee Reports and Meeting Minutes

The Advisory Committee prepares and issues various reports, summaries, and proceedings addressing issues related to Women Veterans.

Learn more »

  • Wanda Wright, Tempe, AZ. A retired U.S. Air Force Colonel; currently serves as an advocate for women Veterans, promoting quality benefits and services to Veterans and their dependents; currently serves as Committee Chair.
  • Shannon McLaughlin, Esq., Sharon, MA. A retired Army Judge Advocate Colonel, with overseas service in Operation Enduring Freedom; currently serving full-time in the Military Division of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts as its State Judge Advocate; and serves as Committee Deputy Chair.
  • Nestor Aliga, Vallejo, CA. Retired U.S. Army Colonel, a former member of VA’s Advisory Committee on Minority Veterans; currently serving as a Veterans advocate focusing on policy and programs specifically impacting women and other minority Veterans.
  • Dr. Jacqueleen Bido, Mount Dora, FL. A U. S. Navy Veteran with deployments in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom; a Latina member of Orlando VA Medical Center's women’s committee; currently serves as an independent consultant for BIDOISM, INC. in Orlando, FL and Elevate Newark in Newark, NJ.
  • Delise Coleman, West Covina, CA. U.S. Marine Corps Veteran; currently serving as an auditor evaluator of performance and policy at a state agency in California and a leadership council advocate at the Downtown Women’s Center at Skid Row in Los Angeles, CA; serves as ACWV Health Subcommittee Vice Chair.
  • Sharon Dunbar, Manassas, VA. Retired U.S. Air Force Major General; former member of several joint services committees addressing issues impacting female military members in the Department of Defense; currently serving as a senior executive in private industry.
  • Wistaria Joseph, Land O’ Lakes, FL. Retired U.S. Air Force Colonel with service in support of Operations Noble Eagle, Iraqi Freedom and Enduring Freedom; currently serving as an adjunct research staff member for the Institute for Defense Analyses, pursuing a doctorate degree and building an executive leadership coaching small business; serves as ACWV Benefits Subcommittee Vice Chair.
  • Dr. Cynthia Macri, Kensington, MD. Retired U.S. Navy Captain; currently serving as senior vice president and chief medical officer for EagleForce Associates, Incorporated, where she is the subject matter expert on the integration of technology with current and emerging health care models, with special emphasis on maternal health, patient safety and institutional compliance.
  • Centra Mazyck, Columbia, SC. Retired U.S. Army Sergeant First Class; currently serves as an advocate for the needs of disabled Veterans, a motivational speaker for disabled Veteran athletes and as an ambassador for organizations such as Disabled American Veterans, Astro Access, True Car/Driven to Drive and Permobil.
  • Sandra Miller, Birdsboro, PA. A U. S. Navy Veteran, with service during the Vietnam era; currently serves as Chair of Vietnam Veterans of America’s (VVA) National Homeless Committee and has membership on several of VVA’s National committees.
  • Lachrisha Parker, Gaithersburg, MD. A retired U.S. Army Reserve Master Sergeant; currently serves as founder and chief executive officer of Parker Executive Consulting, LLC, where she provides high level executive administration to the vice president and chief of operation officer for a real estate investment banking group.
  • Kathryn Smith, Esq., Phoenix, AZ. An U.S. Air Force Academy graduate; currently serves as a member of the board of directors for Zoomies Against Sexual Assault and the Way of Life Committee, an affinity group that supports African American cadets and alumni.

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