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Integrated Clinical Practice Chiropractic Residency Program

Cincinnati VA Medical Center Integrated Clinical Practice Chiropractic Residency Program focuses on the provision of chiropractic care in integrated healthcare systems, collaborating with primary care, specialty care, and other medical and associated health providers and trainees.

The residencies provide advanced clinical training in multimorbid case management, allowing recent graduates to increase their scope and depth of clinical knowledge, experience, and acumen. Residents are mentored by senior VA chiropractors who are national leaders in integrated chiropractic practice. These clinicians share their expertise in patient care, academics, and research to provide a robust educational experience.

These hospital-based training programs expand the residents’ ability to collaborate with other healthcare professionals in team care, as trainees learn with and from other healthcare providers during interdisciplinary rotations. Residents develop their knowledge of hospital practice, policies, and procedures, and are better prepared for future positions in VA, other healthcare systems, and/or academic settings.

Program outcomes

100% program graduation rate

100% Hospital setting job placement


Residency Completion Rate 2024-25


The Mission of the Cincinnati VA Medical Center Chiropractic Integrated Clinical Practice Residency is to prepare chiropractic residents for clinical practice in hospitals or other medical settings, and/or academia, through hospital-based clinical training, interprofessional education, and scholarly activities.

Resident Goals/Objectives

  • Residents will acquire postgraduate clinical experience in hospital-based chiropractic care
    • Residents will provide supervised patient care at satisfactory levels of competence, to a broad population of musculoskeletal cases, most commonly spinal, in the context of collaborative team-based care
    • Residents will gain experience in managing a range of complex/multimorbidity cases
  • Residents will engage in interprofessional educational experiences with relevant medical, surgical and associated health specialties
    • Residents will complete clinical rotations in primary care, physical medicine and rehabilitation, other relevant medical or surgical specialties, behavioral medicine and other associated health disciplines
  • Residents will participate in scholarly activities to gain experience relevant to integrated practice and/or academia
    • Residents will complete scholarly assignments, online didactic courses, and collaborate with other chiropractic residents to complete group assignments
    • Residents will attend scholarly presentations among available hospital and/or academic affiliate offerings
    • Residents will engage in research activities, and/or present scholarly material, and/or clinical workshops to staff and/or trainees at VA and/or academic affiliate venues

Program Faculty

The core faculty members are each Cincinnati VA Medical Center staff employees.

Frank M Bucki, DC
Dr. Bucki received a BS from Illinois State University and a DC from National University of Health Sciences.  He is adjunct faculty at Logan University and University of Western States.  He is leading efforts to improve veteran’s access to chiropractic with VA Video Connect telehealth technology and is engaged in research on this subject.

Michael Clay, DC, MPH (Director)
Dr. Clay’s academic accomplishments include co-authorship of manuscripts published in the European Spine Journal, Journal of Interventional Medicine, PLOS One, and the Journal of Chiropractic Medicine. He is an editorial board member for the Journal of Chiropractic Medicine and serves as a reviewer for the Journal of Military Medicine, the Journal of Manipulative and Physiologic Therapeutics, and the Journal of Chiropractic Medicine. 


He is an experienced podium and poster presenter with works at the APHA annual conference, ACC-RAC, UC research week, and an award-winning abstract at the American Chiropractic Board of Sports Physicians annual Symposium. He is sports certified (CCSP), is actively involved in the American Public Health Association (APHA) and has completed 200 hours in acupuncture training.


Kaelyn Mead, DC

Dr. Mead began her studies at Ashland University with a Magna Cum Laude BS degree in Exercise Science and followed this by graduating Suma Cum Laude as a Chiropractic Physician from Logan University. She completed a DOD clerkship at Walter Reed, spent a short time in private practice, followed by clinical practice at the Washington, DC VA for 2 years, and then recently came home to Ohio, as a new member of the VA Medical Center Cincinnati staff.

Dr. Mead is currently an adjunct, clinical faculty member for the University of Western States clerkship program at Cincinnati. She is a  member of the Interdisciplinary Pain Team, teaches a course in the Pain Self-Management Education program, and works closely with Pain PT, Psychology, and Pharmacy. She has a passion for practically applied; evidence-based care and is engaged in research on this collaborative approach to chronic pain.  


Training takes place at the Cincinnati VA Medical Center (3200 Vine St, Cincinnati, OH 45220) and the Fort Thomas Division (1000 S. Ft Thomas Ave Ft. Thomas, KY 41075). A third site is planned at an outpatient facility in Norwood, OH.

Cincinnati VA Medical Center is well-known for its excellence in healthcare provider training and is currently ranked as the number three facility in the VHA. The Cincinnati VA Medical Center is adjacent to the University of Cincinnati School of Medicine and has academic affiliations with several programs that present opportunities for shadowing.

Clinical Facilities

The Cincinnati VA Medical Center chiropractic clinic has no fewer than two exam/treatment rooms furnished with state-of-the-art treatment tables, computers, and other necessary equipment.  Additional clinician rooms with computers and high-resolution imaging viewing stations are available.

The Fort Thomas chiropractic clinic has three treatment rooms furnished with state-of-the-art treatment tables, computers, and other necessary equipment with one additional room containing a mechanical traction table. Library support through Cincinnati VA Medical Center and the VISN 10 Online Library is available.

Curricular Overview

Residents provide full diagnostic and management services of musculoskeletal and neuromuscular conditions under the mentorship of senior VA Doctor of Chiropractic (DCs). This includes team-based management of complex conditions in collaboration with other medical specialists and healthcare providers. Residents also engage in clinical educational rotations through services including primary care, medical or surgical specialties, mental health, and rehabilitation disciplines. Additionally, residents participate in various scholarly activities and attend and give presentations at multiple academic/research venues of the VA facility and/or its affiliates.

Program Duration

Full-time (40 hours/week) for 12 months, from July 1 through June 30 of the following year. Additional weekly time may be dedicated to scholarly or other training activities.

Number of Positions

One resident position each year


The resident stipend is estimated at $49,098 per year. There is variation between sites on this figure, and Cincinnati is known for a very reasonable cost of living. The resident receives paid Federal holidays and accrues vacation and sick leave. The resident is also eligible for life and health insurance. The resident is protected from personal liability while providing professional services at a VA health care facility under the Federal Employees Liability Reform and Tort Compensation Act, 28 U.S.C. 2679 (b)-(d).

Certificate of Completion

Upon satisfactory completion of program requirements, the graduate will receive an official Certificate of Residency, and records will be maintained at the Cincinnati VA Medical Center and the VHA Chiropractic National Program Office.

Eligibility Requirements

Applicants must hold or be scheduled to receive a DC degree with a minimum GPA of 3.0 from a CCE-accredited school prior to the start of the residency program. Applicants must be eligible for, or hold a current, full, active, and unrestricted chiropractic license in a State, Territory or Commonwealth of the US, or in the District of Columbia. Applicants must meet all VA employment requirements including US citizenship, and Selective Service registration when applicable.

Application Process

Selection is through a competitive process considering factors such as academic background, relevant experience, personal statement, letters of recommendation, and telephone and/or in-person interviews. A call for applications is issued each year on the second Monday of January. Applications are only accepted during the open call.


The match website link can be found by placing this website in your browser,


The chiropractic residency program at the Cincinnati VA Medical Center has been awarded programmatic accreditation by The Council on Chiropractic Education, 8049 North 85th Way, Scottsdale, AZ, 85258-4321, Phone: Website: