Voluntary Services
You can make a difference when you volunteer at or donate to the Cincinnati VAMC Healthcare System.
Join our volunteer team and help make our Veterans' stay more enjoyable. Volunteers must register with the VA Voluntary Services Office and pass a required background check and health screening. Depending on your assignment, you may need extra training.
We’ll match your talents with one of our many volunteer opportunities.
Voluntary Services forms:
Contact Information
Voluntary Services
Room C-137
3200 Vine Street
Cincinnati, Ohio 45220
Volunteer Applications:
Jamie White
Voluntary Service Specialist
Cincinnati VAMC
3200 Vine Street, Room C137
Cincinnati, OH 45220
Cory Fredericks
Voluntary Service Specialist
Cincinnati VAMC
3200 Vine Street, Room C1032
Cincinnati, OH 45220
Corporate, Business & Group Volunteer Opportunities
Are you looking for an opportunity for a group to volunteer? Voluntary Service can tailor a project to your needs!
Please contact us at VHACINVoluntaryServices@va.gov or 513.861.3100 ext. 204058
Individual Volunteer Opportunities
We are very excited to have a vital, vibrant volunteer force at our facility. Our goal is to ensure that the volunteer experience at the Cincinnati VA is as rewarding to the volunteer as it is beneficial to the patients, families, visitors, and caregivers.
To learn more about becoming a volunteer, please contact us at VHACINVoluntaryServices@va.gov or 513.861.3100 ext. 204058
Volunteer Profile
- Cincinnati VA volunteers come from all areas of the community and represent a variety of professions, physical abilities, age groups, and ethnic and cultural backgrounds.
- All have made the commitment to donate their time to patients, families and visitors and become a part of our community.
- Adult volunteers (minimum of 18 years old) who are considered to be Regularly Scheduled are asked to commit to a minimum of 4 hours each week for a minimum of one year.
- Volunteers are educated about the importance of ethics and confidentiality, professional behavior and appearance, proper patient interaction, universal precautions, infection control, fire safety and information privacy and cyber security.
Benefits of Volunteering
Volunteering at the Cincinnati VA Medical Care Center offers many wonderful benefits including:
- Serve those who served (our Nation’s Veterans)
- Formal and informal recognition events
- Receive a free lunch when volunteering 4 hours or more
- Access to free parking
- Access to free flu shots and COVID Vaccine
- Access to free training classes
Fund Categories for Donations
GPF 1001 General Purpose Funds
GPF 1004 Veterans Serenity Garden
GPF 1014 Cinti & FTD Earmarked Funds
GPF 1019 Christmas & Holiday Funds
GPF 1064 VAVS Committee Fund
GPF 1006 HCHV & HUD/VACH Program Funds
GPF 1009 Social Work Funds
GPF 1010 Vet Center
GPF 1011 Fisher House
GPF 1051 PTSD Recreation Funds
GPF 1053 Chaplin Services Funds
GPF 1056 MHCL Recreation
GPF 1057 Recreation Therapy (CLC)
GPF 1059 Spinal Cord Injury Fund
Donate to the Cincinnati VA Medical Center

Volunteering FAQ's
Who can volunteer?
- Must be 18 or older
- Must be willing to make a commitment
- Can begin the volunteer process at any time of the year
- Must be willing to undergo a background check and Tuberculosis test
- Must have COVID vaccination(s)
- Must have flu vaccination
When do you need volunteers?
- Normal operating hours are M-F, from 7:30am-4:30pm (with the exception of some positions)
- Special events (weekends/weeknights)
What if I only have time to volunteer on the evenings and weekends?
Currently, we do not have any evening or weekend regularly scheduled positions, however we do host special events that occur on weekends and evenings.
I am considering a career in healthcare. Can I shadow a healthcare practitioner?
Our volunteers have a wide range of contact with a variety of staff members; however, the volunteer experience is not structured to provide a shadowing/observational encounter. Please speak with the Voluntary Service Specialist for more details.
Once I apply, how long does it take to become a volunteer?
The volunteer onboarding process can take 2-6 weeks to complete. It is our responsibility to ensure the safety of our patients and residents with a thorough screening process. This screening process includes a criminal background check and, in some cases, a physical examination and verification of driver’s license.
Will I be trained?
Volunteers will observe an orientation video online and will then have a more specific orientation when they reach their unit/department.
Can my group/organization/company come for one day and visit Veterans?
We appreciate the gesture but, due to patient confidentiality and infection control policies, we are unable to accommodate group volunteering on a short-term basis. If your group is interested in doing a project for the hospital, please contact Voluntary Service at
May I come and perform at the hospital?
If you or your group is interested in performing at the hospital, please call
Donation FAQ's
How do I deliver my donation?
Please call Voluntary Service at
What items are needed at Cincinnati VA Medical Center?
Please call Voluntary Service at
Because our patients come from diverse religious, political, and social backgrounds, we require that all donations be religiously and politically neutral.
Is my donation tax deductible?
In accordance with 38 U.S.C. 8301, VA is authorized to accept donations or gifts for the benefit of the patient. The internal Revenue Service has announced that under the Tax Code, donations to the Department of Veterans’ Affairs General Post Fund for exclusively public purposes are deductible from federal income taxes in the manner and to the extent allowable. The announcement reflects the tax law provision which makes those donations deductible as “donations to the United States.”
All donations will be acknowledged. If you deliver your donation, please complete a donor form. If you are sending a donation, please include your name, address, and phone number, and the estimated value of the donation. We will send you a letter of acknowledgement. We do not specify dollar amounts in our acknowledgment letters.
Will someone pick up my donation?
We are not able to pick up donations because of staffing and transportation limitations. However, in kind donations can be mailed to Voluntary Service (135), Cincinnati VA Medical Center, 3200 Vine Street, Cincinnati, OH 45231.
Can I donate food?
No homemade food (including candy) may be given to patients. Many of our patients are on dietary restrictions and cannot have certain foods. Please do not bring any edible donations to the hospital. We also ask that you not include any food with other donations unless discussed with a Voluntary Service staff member.