EleVAte Your Health; Metabolic Syndrome Education Class
Learn more about metabolic syndrome at a free 2-hour class. In this one-time class, you will learn what metabolic syndrome is, what the symptoms are, and what resources VA has available to help you reduce risks. Most importantly, you will be connected to any VA resources and tools you are interested in before you leave class. Your spouse, caregiver, or significant other is welcome to attend with you.

This class includes presentations from Health Promotion Disease Prevention, Nutrition, Whole Health, Health Fitness, PACT, Behavioral Health, and Clinical Pharmacy.
Class Offerings (currently in-person only)
Rochester: Every 3rd Tuesday 9-11am
Who should sign-up for eleVAte your health metabolic syndrome class?
Veterans with any of the following:
- High blood sugars (fasting blood sugar greater than 100)
- High blood pressure (possibly greater than 130/85)
- High triglycerides (above 150 mg/dl)
- Low HDL “good” cholesterol (less than 40 mg/dl for men or less than 50 mg/dl for women)
- Waist size (above 40 inch for men and above 35 inch women)
Veterans wanting to take the next step in their health journey or improve their health
Veterans new to VA
How do I sign-up for eleVAte your health metabolic syndrome class?
To register, contact your PACT (Patient Aligned Care Team) and tell them to sign you up for eleVAte your health metabolic syndrome class.
Ways to contact PACT:
1) Call
2) Send a secure message through My healthevet to your PACT
What if I can’t attend in-person or the current offerings don’t work for my schedule?
Please email Seana Rozo (Seana.rozo@va.gov) to express your interest in the class and what time/days work for you.

Seana Rozo PharmD, BCACP
PACT Clinical Pharmacy Practitioner
VA Finger Lakes health care
Email: seana.rozo@va.gov