Beneficiary Travel Self Service System (BTSSS)
Process your beneficiary travel reimbursement claims online via BTSSS.

About Beneficiary Travel Self Service System (BTSSS)
******CRITICAL UPDATE: During the pandemic, timely filing requirements were waived by the Office of the Under Secretary for Health. On April 10, 2023, the President signed into law H.J. Res. 7 which terminated the national emergency related to the COVID-19 pandemic. As of June 9, 2023, 60 days after the end of the emergency period, the waiver policy will expire.
What does this mean for Beneficiary Travel claims? Veterans have until June 8, 2023, 60 days after the end of the emergency period, to file any outstanding travel claims for appointments that occurred since 3/20/2020. If these claims are not properly filed, prior to June 8th, they will be denied.
Then, effective June 9, 2023, the 30-day timely filing rule will go back into effect meaning claims for beneficiary travel reimbursement must be submitted within 30 days of the date of the appointment, otherwise the claim will be denied.******
Beneficiary Travel Self Service System (BTSSS) replaces the existing legacy BT module with a modern, cloud-based Dynamics 365 solution. This solution provides an intuitive interface for claimants such as Veterans and caregivers to submit and track their beneficiary travel claims. BTSSS provides a more Veteran-focused experience for beneficiary travel reimbursements, allowing claimants to submit and track travel claims at their convenience. BTSSS also provides capabilities for beneficiaries to receive payments by electronic funds transfer and helps to eliminate fraud, waste and abuse.
Click to access BTSSS through Access VA.
Preparing For Your First Visit
To prepare for filing your first claim with BTSSS, do these three things to help your claims processing go smoothly.
- First, sign up or update your direct deposit information with VA if appropriate.
- Second, upgrade to a Premium My HealtheVet account, create an account or sign up for a Level 2 DoD DS-Logon account. ,
- Third, log in to BTSSS for the first time, create a profile and be sure to add your direct deposit account information.
For more tips and instructions on how to use BTSSS, watch our six-video playlist.
Setting Up YOUR Online VA Account
Accessing your information can be simple and easy from the comfort of your own home computer or anywhere through your mobile device!
Setting up your account can be more challenging. However, the VA has recently updated how Veterans can create or sign-in to their accounts. We have also created a series of videos to help Veterans create an account and access their information with the recent updates!
Videos on YouTube
WATCH Video 1 Preparing for VA sign-in changes
WATCH Video 2 Choosing your new sign-in account
WATCH Video 3 Creating your account
WATCH Video 4 Verifying your identity for your account
WATCH Video 5 Creating your account
WATCH Video 6 Verifying Your Identity for Your Account
Call the Montana VA Health Care System Beneficiary Travel Department at (406) 447-7409
Location Information:
Building #154, Room A133
Fort Harrison VA Medical Center
Helena, MT
Important Verification and Re-Imbursement Information
Community Care appointments require a proof of attendance with the claim. Please request an appointment verification or proof of attendance letter from your Community Care provider or community care clinic at the time of appointment.
Appointment verification or Proof of attendance needs to be on Letterhead Stationery of the clinic or provider and must contain the date of appointment and well as the address of the facility.
TriWest medical explanation of benefits (MEOB) is also accepted. Appointment reminders will not be accepted.
Additionally, while coordination with BTSSS is your first, best option, many Veterans may need to file a Veteran/Beneficiary Claim for re-imbursement of their travel claim.
Veterans must use the most current VA FORM 10-3542! Veterans who do not use the most current form below will see delays in re-imbursement!
PLEASE, fill out the current form as completely as possible to help prevent delays in getting re-imbursement!
Veterans filing a travel claim should remember that Congressional Mandate 42 U.S.C 1320b5 (G) (1), 38 CFR Part 70, Subpart A -- after June 9th, 2023, Veterans claiming beneficiary travel will have to do so within 30 days of their appointment date.
For questions about Appointment Verification or the VA Form 10-3542, please contact the Montana VA's Beneficiary Travel Department at