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NF/SGVHS is suspending the Lake City and Gainesville interfacility shuttle, effective April 15, 2025.

Veterans looking for alternative transportation options, please don't hesitate to reach out to the contacts listed below. 

Joe Roberts

386-755-3016 ext. 392649

Robert Thompson

352-376-1611 ext. 104148

Adaptive Sports

Our Adaptive Sports Program helps disabled Veterans live active and healthy lives through recreation and athletics.

VA North Florida/South Georgia health care operates a dynamic wide spread adaptive sports program, that provides sports opportunities in many areas. We are a regional center of excellence for Veteran-focused health care. Ask an Adaptive Sports Coordinator about opportunities to participate in sports in your area.

Photo of Katie Blunk

Katie Blunk

Adaptive Sports Program Coordinator

VA North Florida/South Georgia health care


Benefits of Adaptive Sports

The North Florida/South Georgia Veterans Health System Adaptive Sports Program was developed to provide active involvement in adaptive sports, outdoor recreation and fitness programs for our Veterans with disabilities. The program provides opportunities to learn adaptive skills and be oriented to adaptive equipment for a variety of sports. Partnerships with local community partners and national sports organizations help to offer ongoing programs throughout the year.

There are a multitude of benefits of Adaptive Sports, to include improved health and physical wellness, teach teamwork, building relationships, empower leadership, improve self-confidence, along with creating or inventing adaptive sports equipment for Veterans to utilize in order to return to their favorite sport.

Sports currently available all over the NF/SG area as well as participation opportunities in National VA Events, and more. Come out and defy your limitations!

To learn more about National VA Events go to