Creative Arts Therapies
"Creative Arts Therapies are the evidence based use of art interventions and creative processes to address treatment goals and optimize health and wellness." - National Coalition for Creative Arts Therapies Association. North Florida/South Georgia Veterans Health System is now offering Music and Art Therapy to Veterans enrolled in VA health care. Drama therapy is currently available only for Veterans enrolled in the Sex Affirming Program with Speech.
2024 NF/SGVHS Creative Arts Competition
Attention all Veteran artists, actors, dancers, musicians and writers! It’s that time of year again!
Veterans, here is your opportunity to share your creative talents with us!
North Florida/South Georgia Veterans Health System (NF/SGVHS) will begin collecting submissions for the 2024 NF/SGVHS Creative Arts Competition. All entries must be received by Friday, July 26th, 2024. Please scroll down for details.
Music Therapy
Music Therapy is the clinical & evidence-based use of music interventions to accomplish individualized goals within a therapeutic relationship by a credentialed professional who has completed an approved music therapy program. - American Music Therapy Association
Sessions may include:
- Songwriting and lyric analysis
- Music making (e.g., singing, playing instruments, improvisation)
- Listening to music and relaxation
Drama Therapy
Drama therapy is a mental health profession that uses drama and/or theatre processes to achieve therapeutic goal(s). It was born out of the realization that some life experiences are simply too painful to address through verbal therapy alone and instead they require an embodied practice with an active and experiential approach to facilitating change and healing.
Sessions may include:
- Exploring both old and new roles
- Performing improvisation exercises, role playing, and scene work
- Increasing coping skills through storytelling, creative writing, poetry and much more
Creative Arts Therapies Referral
Veterans can contact their VA healthcare provider to place a consult for Creative Arts Therapies through the North Florida/South Georgia Veterans Health System's Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Service. Veterans will work to establish treatment goals with their Music and/or Art Therapist.
Goals target improving:
- motor skills
- memory
- self-expression
- coping skills
- processing emotions
- reducing stress and anxiety
- pain management
Individual and group sessions available on-site or through Veteran Video Connect (VVC)!
For More Information
MUSIC THERAPY = Diane G. Langston, MM, MT-BC at 352-376-1611, ext. 105371
DRAMA THERAPY = Rosimar Hernandez, RDT (Drama Therapist) 386-755-3016 ext. 392695

NF/SGVHS Veterans Creative Arts Festival 2022: Osmund Johnson, Army Veteran with his photograph titled "Me, Myself, and I", digital photography; also pictured is painting titled "Fish" by Diann Gregory, acrylic paint and flow medium
2024 NF/SGVHS Creative Arts Competition
This year, entries will be accepted in-person, via email and by mail. All Veterans who enter must also be enrolled in the North Florida/South Georgia Veterans Health System (NF/SGVHS) to participate.
In August 2024, NF/SGVHS will host an in-person and virtual event showcasing all entries. The date and location of this event is yet to be determined. More event information to come. First, second, and third place winners will continue to the VA National Creative Arts Competition to compete against Veteran creatives across the nation.
IN-PERSON ENTRY: If you are interested in submitting artwork in-person, please contact a member of the Creative Arts Therapy team. BY APPOINTMENT ONLY.
EMAIL ENTRY: Veterans interested in submitting artwork or LIVE performances for music, drama or dance via email, please send your entry to Entry and consent forms for each category should also be included with your submission (Forms located below). *PLEASE NOTE ARTWORK will need to be submitted in-person or by mail if you would like to be a part of NF/SG In-person Creative Arts Show.
ENTRY BY MAIL: Veterans interested in submitting artwork by mail should mail entries to:
CLC Room 133-12
Gainesville, FL 32608
ARTWORK SIZE RESTRICTIONS: Art entries must be able to fit into one box. The box can be up to 150 lbs., up to 165 inches in length and girth combined. Length cannot exceed 108 inches. To measure packages, use the following formula: length + 2x width + 2x height
Step 1. Determining Length - Measure the longest side of the package, rounding to the nearest inch. This is your length.
Step 2. Determining Girth (2x Width + 2x Height). Measure the width of the package, rounding to the nearest inch. Multiply this number by 2. Measure the height of the package, rounding to the nearest inch. Multiply this number by 2. Add these two numbers together. This is your girth.
Step 3. Add the length and the girth together. This is your package measurement.
***Entries that exceed the weight and measurements indicated above will be disqualified.***
Veteran may submit entries in up to three art categories and one group category in the art division.
Veteran may submit entries in up to three creative writing categories in the creative writing division.
Veteran may submit entries in up to three solo categories and three group categories in the dance, drama and music divisions.
All entries must be received by Friday, July 26th, 2024.
Complete rules by division (art, creative writing, music, drama, dance) and all entry forms are available from the National Veterans Creative Arts Festival site.
- Please use one entry form for EACH piece of artwork.
- All pieces of art must have been created AFTER April 1, 2023.
- Complete the art entry form with as much detail of medium or materials used as possible.
- Complete art entry form and consent (Only one consent form is required per Veteran.
- All creative writing entries must be submitted in a text document (word, body of an email). Scans/pictures or PDFs of a creative writing piece will NOT be accepted.
- Complete creative writing entry form and consent (Only one consent form is required per Veteran).
- Entries by email must be a recording of a live performance. No voice overs or dubbing allowed.
- Complete music/drama/dance entry form and consent (Only one consent form is required per Veteran).
If you have any questions related to submissions or the festival you may contact:
Diane Langston, MT-BC (Music Therapist) 352-376-1611 ext. 105371
Rosimar Hernandez, RDT (Drama Therapist) 386-755-3016 ext. 392695