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Resources for Health Professions Trainees Coming to VA | Mandatory Training
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Resources for Health Professions Trainees Coming to VA | Mandatory Training
Veterans Health Administration (VHA) Mandatory Training for Trainees (MTT) is a specially developed course for Health Professions Trainees (HPT), who must complete it once every 364 days to remain "in good standing.” Training transfers between Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) facilities. This course is not for VA employees.
The expandable sections below will provide information on accessing the MTT as a first-time user, information on the MTT-Refresher course, course topics and FAQs.
The Annual Refresher Course (MTT-Refresher) is for VHA trainees who have previously taken the VHA Mandatory Training for Trainees but have been in a VA training program long enough that they must retake the required annual training. Remember that the topics covered in MTT-Refresher Course need to be completed annually. Failure to complete training before the due date may result in unnecessary gaps in access. Also, know that all training transfers between VA facilities.
The VHA MTT-Refresher Course will automatically be assigned to you in TMS after you have taken the full course.
The Refresher Course for VHA Trainees covers only required annual training and does not include all modules covered in the "VHA Mandatory Training for Trainees." Do not use the Refresher Course if you have not previously completed "VHA Mandatory Training for Trainees.”
Topics included in VHA Mandatory Training for Trainees
MTT content is vetted and approved, as a suitable substitute for trainees, by each of the national VA and VHA program offices that own that content. Local orientation and location-specific fire and safety training should be done face-to-face at the facility. Trainees are not required to attend the multi-day "new employee" orientation that employees are required to attend because much of that content is employee focused and does not apply to a trainee.
Listed below are the specific topics covered:
Mission of VA/Patient Population/Customer Service/I CARE/Constitution
- VA Mission
- Whom do we serve?
- Customer Service in the VA
- I CARE Principles
- VA Service Standards
- Veterans Health Benefits
- Taking a Military Health History from your Patients
- Service Specific Medical Illnesses and Mental Health Issues
- Military Sexual Trauma
- Constitution
- Honoring Our Veterans
Trainee Supervision
- General Principles About Supervision Guidelines
- Supervision Guidelines
Information Security and Privacy Awareness
- Protecting Privacy and Ensuring Information Security
- Information Security
- Strong Passwords
- Personal Identify Verification (PIV) Cards
- Two-Factor Authentication
- How to Recognize and Report Security Incidents
- E-mail Encryption
- Electronic Calendars, Texting, and IMs
- Handling Paper and Electronic Documents Do's and Don'ts
- Fax and Mail Delivery
- Personal Notes vs. ElLog Books
- Remote Access to VA Information Systems
- Wireless Devices and Networks
- Social Engineering Attacks
- Threats to Systems, Software, and Networks
- Hacking and Phishing
- Using Social Media Securely
- Limited Personal Use of Government Computers and Systems
- Personally Owned Equipment & Removable Storage Media
- Microsoft SharePoint
- VA National Rules of Behavior
- Privacy Laws
- Protecting Privacy and Safeguarding Information Security
- VA Sensitive Information and Your Patients
- Safe Use Guidelines
- Sharing Identifiable Patient Information with Other Providers for Treatment
- Individual or Third Party Requests for Information Release
- Sharing VA Patient Information with your School
Safety/Occupational Health/MR Safety/Fire and Other Emergencies
- VA's Safe and Healthful Work Environment
- Blood and Body Fluid Exposure
- Fire and Other Emergencies: RACE & PASS
- Procedures in the Case of an Injury, Illness or Exposure
- Safety in the Magnetic Resonance (MR) Environment for Non-Lab Staff (Level 1)
- Radiation Safety
Preventing Harm to Patients — Your Role in Patient Safety
- Promoting Patient Safety
- Joint Commission Patient Safety Goals
- Prevent "Never" Events: Wrong Patient, Wrong Site, or Wrong Procedure
- Adverse Events and Close Calls
- Suicide Prevention
- Military Sexual Trauma
- Reporting Abuse and Neglect
- Recognizing and Reporting Impaired Healthcare Providers
- Pain Management
- Potential Misuse of Controlled Substances
- Identification of Opioid Use Disorder and Referral
- Proper Disposal of Controlled Substances
Government Ethics
- The 14 General Principles: Do's and Don'ts
- Criminal Conflict of Interest Laws
- Standards of Conduct on Gifts
- Gifts from Outside Sources and Gift Exceptions
- Conflict of Interest
- Impartiality in Performing Official Duties
- Misuse of Position
- Outside Activities and the Hatch Act
- Seeking Employment and Post–Government Employment
- Government Ethics Advice Contacts
Health Record Documentation
- Documentation Guidelines
- Service Connection and Special Authorities
- Military Sexual Trauma
- Consult Management
Compliance and Business Integrity
- The Mission of CBI
- CBI Officer
- Private Insurers
- Billing
Violence in the Workplace and Handling Disruptive Behavior
- Violence in the Healthcare Industry
- Addressing Violence in the Workplace
- Patient Record Flag
- Preventing Violence in the Workplace
Federal Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Laws/Workplace Harassment/No Fear Act
- Federal Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Laws and Other Extended Protections
- Accommodations
- Discrimination
- Workplace Harassment
- Characteristics of Harassment
- Sexual Harassment
- Characteristics of Sexual Harassment
- Addressing Harassment in the Workplace
- The Notification and Federal Employee Antidiscrimination and Retaliation (No FEAR) Act
- Whistleblower Protection Enhancement
Torts Claims Protection
- Federal Tort Compensation Act
- FTCA Coverage Criteria
- Malpractice Claims
- Information Collection Process
Patient Rights
- Reviewing Patient Rights
- Respect and Non-discrimination
- Information Disclosure and Confidentially
- Participation in Treatment Decisions
Response to an Active Threat Event
- Active Threat - Active Shooter Events
- Characteristics of Active Threat - Active Shooter Events
- Reporting an Active Threat - Active Shooter Event
- What Information Should You Give 911 Dispatchers?
- Evacuate, Evade, or Engage?
- Evacuate
- Evade
- Engage the Suspect only as a Last Resort
- What to do when the Police Arrive
- After the Threat is Over
Consider a Career at VA
Does the VHA Mandatory Training for Trainees course cover all Mandatory Training topics?
This course constitutes the minimum curriculum necessary for a trainee to train safely and effectively in VA. Your local VA and or VISN may have additional requirements as driven by the Joint Commission or other entities. Because this course has bundled 15 separate, but important, content areas, it is an efficient and effective use of the trainee's time. The content is customized and has been made as relevant as possible for the trainee group. We encourage its widespread adoption for all trainees.
Is the VHA MTT course appropriate for VA employees?
No. This course was designed specifically for clinical trainees. VA employees must take Mandatory Training courses on the VA Talent Management System (TMS).
Who should take the course?
The course is intended for all health professions trainees regardless of whether or not they are paid by VA.
Is there a minimum rotation length under which the course material is not required?
No. All trainees should have documentation of completion of the course content regardless of rotation length.
Must trainees complete the course before they start their VA rotation?
Trainees should complete the course by the end of the first day of their VA rotation. It is preferable that it be completed before coming to VA for the first time.
Is the course accessible from the internet?
Yes. The course is available from the internet.
Will trainees be able to stop and resume the course at a later time?
Yes. Trainees will have an individual login and can stop and start the course at any time, even if accessing the course from a different computer.
Will course completion be tracked centrally? Will the system be able to track the trainees who complete the module?
Yes. Course completion is tracked within the TMS.
Will the online TMS System save trainees' completion certificates?
Individual trainee accounts will be saved for 10 years. However, trainees will not be able to access their completion records unless they save their login codes.
Can portions of the course be taken if a facility wants to use other venues to cover certain topics?
No. Certificates will not print for individual modules.
What about trainees who are returning to VA for a second or third rotation?
A streamlined Refresher Course containing only the recurring annual requirements is required for trainees each additional year the trainee is at VA.
What if a trainee took the MTT Course at another VA facility this year?
A trainee who took the MTT Course at another VA facility will not need to repeat the course if rotating to a second VA in the same academic year. The TMS maintains a record of the trainee's completion of the course.
If residents are on an academic year schedule, but some VA mandatory training courses are required on an annual basis, will annual training requirements be satisfied?
Yes. Theoretically, this should not be an issue. For example, if a trainee completes the course in June, this satisfies the requirement for a calendar year and the deadline to repeat the course again is within 365 days.
How long does it take to complete the module?
The median time to complete the module is 90 minutes.
What requirements are included in the course?
The course covers all VA and VHA requirements for mandatory training. There are some additional topics pertinent to trainees including: The Joint Commission National Patient Safety Goals, trainee supervision, and recruitment and benefits messages.