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David M. Worthen Awards | Call for Nominations
The David M. Worthen Awards are among the highest honors given by the Veterans Health Administration (VHA) to recognize outstanding achievements in health professions education. Established in 1988, this award program was named after the late David M. Worthen, MD, former Associate Chief Medical Director for Academic Affairs, board-certified ophthalmologist, established academician, surgeon, researcher, and inspirational leader of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) education mission. VHA education champions are honored in three categories including: Rising Star, Innovator and Career Achievement, in Health Professions Education.
Requirements and Rules
- Nominees must be active in trainee education both at the time of the nomination and the award.
- Nominees can originate from medical centers, Veterans Integrated Service Network (VISN) Offices and National Program Offices.
- Only one recipient will be chosen for each of the three award categories (Rising Star, Innovator, and Career Achievement).
- Individuals may only be nominated for one of the three Worthen Award categories annually.
Each recipient will receive a plaque and $3,000 in award funding. A plaque is also presented to the facilities at which the three recipients are employed.
Please consider honoring Dr. Worthen’s vision, commitment, and dedication by nominating employees who meet the qualifications in any of the award categories established:
- David M. Worthen Rising Star Award for Excellence in Health Professions Education
This award recognizes an individual with an early career track-record in health professions trainee education in the following areas: educational administration, curriculum, trainee assessment, program evaluation, educational research, educational policy, or affiliate relationships.
The recipient is an outstanding champion of health professions trainee education who is no more than 5 years out of their terminal training or career education. Health professions trainees are students, interns, residents, and fellows enrolled in accredited clinical training programs and non-accredited programs such as VA Advanced Fellowships.
- David M. Worthen Innovator Award for Excellence in Health Professions Education
This award recognizes an individual who has created an innovation in health professions trainee education. Innovations are creative solutions for either newly emerging or longstanding challenges to education in VA in areas such as educational administration, curriculum, trainee assessment, program evaluation, educational research, educational policy, or affiliate relationships.
The recipient is an outstanding champion of health professions trainee education and must have created and is sustaining or expanding a significant educational innovation for health professions trainee education.
- David M. Worthen Career Achievement Award for Excellence in Health Professions Education
This award recognizes an individual with a longstanding record of educational achievements that significantly advance the delivery of education across health professions trainees in the following areas: educational administration, curriculum, trainee assessment, program evaluation, educational research, educational policy, or affiliate relationships.
The recipient is an outstanding health professions trainee education champion whose longstanding contributions have profoundly advanced and had a widespread impact on the educational mission of VHA.
One-Step Nomination Process
- Curriculum Vitae/Resume (no length requirement)
- 2-page single spaced narrative specifically addressing Qualification/Selection Criteria above:
- Must describe why nominee is qualified for the award with specific examples.
- Must be on facility, VISN or program office letterhead.
- Must be signed by director of nominee’s workplace.
- Nominee works at facility/CBOC → must be signed by facility director or official designee.
- Nominee works at VISN Office → must be signed by network director or official designee.
- Nominee works at VACO → must be signed by chief officer or official designee.
Complete nomination package due by February 28, 2025.
Thank you for your support in recognizing employees who dedicate their lives to providing and supporting high quality health professions education for our trainees serving our nation’s Veterans.
Questions may be directed to the OAA Awards Team.