Pharmacy Residency Programs
The VA Salt Lake City Healthcare System offers both Postgraduate Year One (PGY1) General Pharmacy Practice and Postgraduate Year Two (PGY2) psychiatric and ambulatory care pharmacy residencies. All of our post-graduate programs are 12 months in duration and accredited by the American Society for Health-Systems Pharmacists. Our objective is to train residents for patient-centric clinical positions by advancing their knowledge, skills and attributes in pharmaceutical care. If you have any questions about our programs, please feel free to contact the respective residency program director.

PGY1 General Pharmacy Practice Residency
There are three resident positions available. This is a traditional program emphasizing inpatient and ambulatory care and is designed to prepare residents for acute care or ambulatory care positions, adjunct faculty positions, or further PGY2 or fellowship training. Learn more about the PGY1 Pharmacy Residency.
PGY2 Psychiatric Pharmacy Residency
There are two resident positions available. This program is an advanced practice mental health residency designed to prepare the resident for a psychiatric pharmacy specialist position or adjunct faculty position. Learn more about the PGY2 Psychiatric Pharmacy Residency.
PGY2 Ambulatory Care Program
There is one position available. The program is an advanced practice ambulatory care residency, designed to prepare the resident for clinical pharmacist positions in ambulatory care or adjunct faculty positions. Learn more about the PGY2 Ambulatory Care Residency.
Resident benefits
The resident in our program is considered a federal full-time employee with a salary and benefit package. Salary is paid by the VA Office of Academic affiliations and rates may increase depending on the current year allocation rate. In addition, residents accrue annual/sick leave and other benefits,
Salary (stipend)
Annual stipend is $48,475 for first year residents.
Annual stipend was $51,318 for second year residents.
Health benefits
Information about federal employment benefits can be accessed at
Benefits include:
- Government health care medical plan.
- Option for dental and life insurance.
- Resident is not vested and does not have a 401K matching fund benefit during their first year of employment.
There are 11 paid holidays during the year.
Annual leave
Four hours per pay period (13 days per year).
Sick leave
Four hours per pay period (13 days per year).
Travel stipends
Will be provided as available to attend at least one professional meeting, which may include the ASHP Midyear Conference and Mountain States Residency Conference for all residents.
Dual Appointment
PGY1 residents and PGY2 psychiatric residents are eligible for dual appointment once licensed. This means that residents can be compensated as a GS-12 pharmacist on the weekends that they work. Opportunity for dual appointment is dependent on the annual budget. Ask the RPDs for more information.
Moonlighting is allowed so long as total hours worked (including residency hours) does not exceed 80 hours per week.