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Good News! On Tuesday, February 18, all internal medicine clinics are moving back to building one fourth floor. Note: Neurology will remain in building three for now. If you have any questions, please check-in at the desk in main lobby before proceeding to your appointment.

Post-Graduate Nurse Practitioner Residency Program

Thank you for your interest in the VA Salt Lake City post-graduate nurse practitioner residency program. This residency encompasses two residency tracks:

Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner Residency Track

Primary Care Nurse Practitioner Residency Track

This residency program is designed for new graduate psychiatric mental health (PMH), family (FNP), or adult-gerontology primary care (AGPC) nurse practitioners with a commitment to expanding their academic preparation and serving the Veteran population as a professional nurse practitioner within the VA Health System or in the community.

Both tracks of VASLCHCS NP residency program currently support three residents each year. The 2025-26 cohort begins in mid-August 2025 with completion in mid-August 2026.

This one-year post-graduate NP residency is designed for new nurse practitioners with a commitment to serve the Veteran population. The program supports and nurtures the transition to practice for newly graduated NPs to help them become confident and competent care providers. Residency training includes didactic seminars, grand rounds, supervised primary care clinical and specialty care clinical rotations with growing levels of autonomy as the year progresses, leadership training and projects, and inter-professional experiences during the 12 months of the residency. Residents will also attend didactic seminars. Topics for primary care include HTN, Diabetes, COPD, CKD, thyroid disease, dementia, depression, among others and include perspectives and interdisciplinary experiences. Topics for mental health include PTSD, mood disorders, personality disorders, psychiatric pharmacology, and therapeutic interventions including psychotherapy and also includes interdisciplinary experiences. Cross track learning integration incorporates perspectives from both tracks in many didactic offerings.

How to Apply

NP Residency Program Eligibility

  • U.S. citizen
  • A recent graduate (within 12 months) of master's or doctoral level nurse practitioner program accredited by the Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN) or The Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE)
  • Must not have worked as an nurse practitioner in their residency specialty prior to the beginning of NP residency
  • Minimum of 3.0 GPA
  • Proficient in written and spoken English
  • Psychiatric mental health NP residents must hold a psychiatric mental health board certification (ANCC)
  • Primary care NP residents must hold either an adult-gerontological primary care nurse practitioner or family nurse practitioner board certification (ANCC or AANP)
  • Current, full, active, and unrestricted registration as a nurse practitioner in a U.S. state, commonwealth, territory or the District of Columbia, prior to the start of the NPR program

NP Residency Application Requirements

Completed NPR Program Application: VA_Form_10-2850d.pdf

a. Letter of Interest: (no more than 3 pages)

  • Three most important professional goals
  • Discussion of experience with a variety of patient populations--veterans, vulnerable, underserved, or elderly populations
  • How career goals align with the PC NP role and with furthering the NP profession

b. Curriculum Vitae/Résumé included but not limited to:

  • Education
  • Work Experience
  • Brief description of clinical rotations in graduate program
  • Research & Publication
  • Professional membership
  • Awards/Honors
  • Leadership Service
  • Life Experience/Personal Interests

c. Unofficial nursing school transcript

d. Three (3) letters of recommendation* (authors to submit directly to Program Directors)

  • One (1) letter from an academic instructor
  • One (1) letter from a preceptor (a different person from the above-mentioned academic instructor)
  • One (1) letter from an employer or co-worker

*Content in each letter should include the nature of the work relationship with the candidate, the candidate’s work performance, the candidate’s interpersonal skills, and any strengths/talents the candidate would bring to this residency program.

When to Apply

  • Application Deadline: February 19, 2025
  • Interviews will be tentatively conducted in March 2025
  • Applicant will be notified of selection decisions by the end of March, 2025
  • Cohorts begin August 18, 2025
    • Notice: If you are a current government employee, please contact the program director prior to completing your application. A conversion status change from employee to trainee, including changes in benefits, will be required to participate in the residency programs.

Application Submission

Please submit each required document in a separate PDF with applicant’s name in each title to program directors:

NP Residency Program Mission

All Veterans Health Administration (VHA) nurse practitioner residency programs sponsored by the Office of Academic Affiliations (OAA) adhere to the over-arching mission: “to develop competent, confident, practice-ready RNs and NPs equipped with the knowledge and skills to address the specific needs of our nation's Veterans served by the Veterans Health Administration (VHA) and community.” Building upon this, the VASLCHCS NP Residency Program mission is to enhance the scientific knowledge, clinical expertise, and professionalism of novice NPs by providing a safe, mentored transition of the newly licensed and board-certified NP into a competent and confident professional, thereby providing excellent care to military Veterans. The program outcomes are measured against benchmarks defined in the evaluation plan, which includes the percentage of graduates who demonstrate confidence and competence, the percentage of graduates who complete a scholarly project, and the percentage of graduates retained in the VA workforce.

NP Residency Program Goals

  • To achieve confidence in the role of the nurse practitioner
  • Achieve competence in the practice of advanced practice nursing
  • Enhance utilization of scientific evidence to support nursing practice
  • Increase retention of newly hired graduate NPs in the VA workforce

NP Residency Program Outcomes

The VASLCHCS NP residency program welcomed its first PMH NP residency cohort in 2016 and its first PC NP residency cohort in 2019. As of fall of 2023:

  1. 100% of residency graduates across all cohorts (PMH & PC) between 2017-2023 demonstrated confidence ratings of moderate or better on standardized rating tools
  2. 100% of residency graduates across all cohorts (PMH & PC) between 2017-2023 demonstrated competence at a level of advanced beginner or better on standardized rating tools
  3. 100% of residency graduates participated in scholarly evidence-based quality improvement projects within the VA system
  4. 25% of NP residency graduates were retained within the VA system within 6 months of residency graduation

Competency-Based Curriculum

The VA OAA NP residency competency-based curriculum consists of 80% experiential learning activities and 20% didactic learning activities focused on the advancement of clinical knowledge, interventions and treatment planning. The curriculum includes Veteran-centric topics and principles of assessment, diagnostics, and treatment of complex patients that incorporate the bio-psycho-social aspects of the whole person and evidence-based practice. The unique VA OAA NP residency training is delivered in the interprofessional learning environment in which NP residents work collaboratively across disciplines with physicians, psychologists, pharmacists, nurses, social workers, and other health profession resident trainees. Evidence-based practice is a central tenet of the program and residents complete a scholarly/quality improvement project during their training year, leading to improved patient and organizational outcomes as well as providing opportunities for scholarly presentations and publications.

Experiential learning

The 12-month curricular program is designed as progressive model over the residency year. The residency consists of longitudinal continuity experiences and multiple rotations/intensive learning experiences in a variety of PMH and PC specialty clinical settings.

Didactic sessions

Residents attend scheduled meetings, seminars and didactic sessions. Didactic sessions consist of a variety of academic/learning activities, grand rounds, didactic classes, simulation, role-play and clinical conferences.

Interprofessional collaboration

Nurse practitioner residents collaborate with medicine, pharmacy, social work, nursing, administrative teams and residents from other disciplines during the training year.

Professional development

Networking, collaborating, meeting new colleagues, and building relationships is key to professional development and career advancement within the program.

Scholarly project

Evidence-based practice and completion of a scholarly/evidence-based/quality improvement projects is a requirement of the program. Residents engage in quality enhancement and/or system redesign projects during their training, leading to improved patient and organizational outcomes as well as providing opportunities for scholarly presentations and publications.

Note: In extenuating circumstances, the VA Office of Academic Affiliations Nursing Education Director may grant a “90-day grace period” to highly qualified NP residency candidate(s) whose licensure and board certification have been delayed. Candidates must provide written assurance that they will obtain licensure and board certification within 90 days from the start of the program. If a nurse practitioner resident fails to meet board certification or licensure requirement within the 90 days since the start of the program, the trainee will be terminated from the program.

NPR Program Salary and Benefits

Residents in our program are considered temporary federal employees as Health Professions Trainees (HPTs) with a residency salary and benefit package. Salary is based on the current year’s allocation rate. In addition, NP residents accrue annual/sick leave and other benefits listed below:

  • Salary (Stipend +FICA) is paid by the VA National Office of Academic Affiliations (OAA)
  • Annual (PTO) and Sick Leave
  • 100% protected training time for learning
  • No weekend or night rotations and no call.
  • Health benefits: Information about Federal Employment Benefits can be accessed from the following link:
    • Government Health Care Medical Plan
    • Option for dental and life insurance
  • Residents are not vested and do not have a 401K or matching fund benefit during the residency year
  • Residency year does not contribute federal years of service.
  • 11 paid holidays