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Contact us

Find phone numbers and contact information at VA St. Louis Health Care System for frequently requested services like patient advocates, medical records, billing and insurance, and more.

Patient help and resources

Need help? Contact a patient advocate

If you need help getting care or resolving an issue with VA, get help from one of our trained patient advocates.

Medical records office

Access your medical records online or request a copy of your records from our Release of Information office.

Billing and insurance

Pay your VA St. Louis health care bill online, by phone, mail, or in person. You can also raise issues or address billing disputes.


Find out how to refill your prescriptions, where to pick up new prescription orders, and how to safely dispose of your medicines.

Phone directory and mailing address

Find phone numbers for many of the administrative and program offices at VA St. Louis health care.

Mailing address

John Cochran Veterans Hospital
915 North Grand Boulevard
St. Louis, MO 63106

St. Louis VA Medical Center-Jefferson Barracks
1 Jefferson Barracks Drive
St. Louis, MO 63125

Main phone numbers

Local: 314-652-4100
Toll-free: 800-228-5459

To use TeleType (TTY) services: dial 711.

A – F

Addiction and Substance Abuse Treatment

-66418 opt 4    

Anger Management


Behavioral Health

Beneficiary Travel    
-56415 opt 2

Canteen John Cochran    

CBOC Franklin County 
-56988 press 2 then 4

CBOC St Clair
-56988 press 2 then 3

CBOC St Louis     
-56988 press 2 then 2

CBOC St. Charles     
-56988 press 2 then 1

CBOC North County     

CBOC ST Charles    

Cemetery Jefferson Barracks  




Child help National Child Abuse Hotline    

Community Care    

Connected Care Help Desk    

DAV (National) St Louis    

Dental Clinic     


Diagnostic Imaging    


Disabled American Vets    


Emergency Room (ER)    

ENT (Ear, Nose and Throat)

Eye Clinic 
Jefferson Barracks -56409 Option 3    
John Cochran -56409 Option 1

Eye Clinic Optical Shop    
-56409 Option 2

Eye Clinic Urgent Eye Issues    
-56409 Option 6

Eye Clinic-Prescription Refills    
-56409 Option 5

G – M




Hematology/Oncology Clinic    


Home Based Primary Care    

Homeless Veteran care

Hope Recovery    

Infectious Disease    

Information Desk       
Jefferson Barracks -66651
John Cochran -53437

Medical Records 
Jefferson Barracks -63834
John Cochran -54001        

Mental Health 
Jefferson Barracks -65090        
John Cochran -53110

Methadone Clinic    

Metro East Vet Center    


Military Sexual Trauma    

Million Veteran Program (MVP)    

Mission Act        

MOVE! Weight Management

My Healthy Vet    

N – Z

National Domestic Violence Hotline    

National Grad Crisis Line    

National Personnel Records Center    

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline    

John Cochran -57914    
Jefferson Barracks -64252



Outpatient Pharmacy    

Outreach (Hope Recovery)    

-56403-opt 3

Palliative Care Hospice        

Pain Management        

Patient Advocate        
Jefferson Barracks -65712
John Cochran -51542    

Pharmacy (Inpatient)    

Pharmacy (Outpatient)    

Physical Therapy
Jefferson Barracks -66418
John Cochran -56314

Podiatry Clinic    
Jefferson Barracks -66587
John Cochran -55092

Poison Control    

Primary Care     
Jefferson Barracks -66654/64786
John Cochran -57642
Manchester CBOC -56566
Shiloh CBOC -56988, opt. 2, opt. 3
St. Charles CBOC -56988, opt. 2, opt. 1
St. Louis CBOC    -56988, opt. 2, opt. 2
Washington Ave CBOC -57659    
Women’s Clinic -56540    
Washington CBOC    -56988, opt. 2, opt. 4    

Jefferson Barracks -66645
John Cochran -56411  

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder 

-57640 opt. 3

Jefferson Barracks -66663
John Cochran -57011    

Record Center    

-57640 opt. 3


Saint Patrick Center    

Sleep Study Scheduling    

Smoking Cessation    

Spinal Cord      

-55092 opt 2

Swimming Pool        

Jefferson Barracks -66450
John Cochran -56415

Vet Center Illinois        

Veteran Benefits    

Veteran Crisis Line    

Veteran Health Care    

Veteran Outreach Center    

Veteran Transportation    
Jefferson Barracks -66450
John Cochran -56415

Veterans Choice Champions    

Veterans of Foreign Wars        
Jefferson Barracks -66985
John Cochran -56382

Jefferson Barracks -66530
John Cochran -56393

Walk-In Clinic    

-66619/66418 opt. 2    

Whole Health Program    

Women’s Clinic

Wound Care


Media and press

The Office of Public Affairs can assist local media with queries, interview requests, and expert information about the VA St. Louis Health Care System.


After hours or on weekends, call press 0, and ask for the administrator on duty.

Submit a FOIA request

Under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), you have a right to federal agency records unless those records are protected from disclosure by specific exemptions or exclusions laid out in law.

Requesting records maintained by VA St. Louis 

Email: Coming soon!
Fax: Coming soon!

VA St. Louis Health Care System
John Cochran Division
Release of Information Office
915 North Grand Boulevard
St. Louis, MO 63106

For questions about your request to VA St. Louis 

Phone: 314-652-4100, ext. 63834

Additional FOIA request information

Report an issue

Give us website feedback

To report a technical issue or give us feedback about this site, email our web team at

Report suspected fraud or mismanagement

Contact the VA Office of the Inspector General (VAOIG) to report suspected criminal activity, fraud, inadequate patient care, or mismanagement of VA programs or government resources.

Phone: 800-488-8244

VA Inspector General Hotline (53e)
810 Vermont Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20420

Learn more about the VA OIG hotline.

Report patient care or safety issues

If you have any concerns about the care and safety of patients or residents, the first step is to contact hospital management. If management did not address or resolve your concerns, contact the Joint Commission.

Submit a complaint online:
Phone: 800-994-6610

Office of Quality Monitoring
The Joint Commission
One Renaissance Boulevard
Oakbrook Terrace, IL 6018