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Internships and fellowships

At Tennessee Valley Healthcare System, we strive to hire only the best! Working with and for America's veterans is a privilege, and we pride ourselves on the quality of care we provide. If you have what it takes, please consider applying for one of our available positions. You may view our announcements online at WWW.USAJOBS.GOV. If you need additional information, please contact our Human Resources Management Service at email

Clinical Psychology Programs

The aim of the pre-doctoral internship program is to provide generalist training that will prepare interns to work as entry level or early career psychologists or fellows within a variety of clinical settings within the VA health care system as well as the private sector. For the postdoctoral fellowship program, we are seeking applicants who have a strong interest in working in inter-professional teams. Fellows will work in a variety of settings, including the outpatient psychiatry clinics, acute psychiatric units, community living centers, and the pain clinic. Visit our Psychology Training Programs page to discover more.

Medical and Dental Residents and Students

We have education affiliations with Meharry Medical College and Vanderbilt University School of Medicine.  We participate in the funding of numerous resident and fellowship positions as well as allied health training programs in a wide variety of specialties.

To learn more, visit our Medical and Dental Education page.

Nursing Academic Affiliations

VA Tennessee Valley Healthcare System (TVHS) is committed to providing the highest quality health care to Veterans and training the next generation of health care professionals. Nursing Academic Affiliations coordinates student training experiences at all levels of nursing degree programs across VA TVHS, as well as managing the affiliation agreements with educational institutions of nursing. Our goal is to ensure all clinical experiences are appropriately supported for internal and external trainees.

If you represent an academic institution seeking to establish a nursing affiliation agreement with VA TVHS, please reach out to to initiate the process. 

If you are seeking clinical placement, please submit your inquiry following these instructions. It is the expectation that you will have identified a potential preceptor.

Once you have completed the survey, our VA TVHS Nursing Academic Affiliation team will evaluate your request against our internal commitments and reach out with our decision. Final placements confirmations will be coordinated and managed by the VA TVHS Nursing Affiliations Staff.

For more information about all Nursing Programs at VA Tennessee Valley Healthcare System please see: Nursing Programs | VA Tennessee Valley Health Care | Veterans Affairs

Pharmacy Residency

The Postgraduate Year One (PGY1) Pharmacy Residency located in Nashville and Murfreesboro, Tennessee understands the changing face of pharmacy healthcare and strive to prepare our residents for entrance into a competitive job market. To learn more, visit our Tennessee Valley Pharmacy Residency Program page.

Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE) Program

The VA Tennessee Valley Healthcare System (TVHS) currently offers year-long CPE residencies for 1st and 2nd year trainees, accredited through the Association for Clinical Pastoral Education (ACPE). The TVHS CPE curriculum prepares students to become Board-Certified Chaplains for VA medical centers.  The year-long residency curriculum includes units that specifically address VA healthcare priorities.  Students learn skills of clinical chaplaincy to include conducting spiritual assessment, intervention, and consultation.  Students also learn the role of the chaplain on interdisciplinary treatment teams in specific clinical areas.  The clinical context for learning furthermore requires students to develop the self-awareness and relational skills essential to respond to diverse, pluralistic ministry needs.  At the conclusion of the residency, students will have completed materials required to apply for board certification. To learn more, visit our Clinical Pastoral Education Program page.