Multiple Sclerosis Centers of Excellence
Multiple Sclerosis Centers of Excellence Researchers
Our current grants and publications have direct relevance to the VA by addressing a variety of MS care needs and disease management of Veterans with MS. We disseminate research findings through publications, presentations, abstracts, and clinical practice guidelines. Research includes investigations in the biology of MS, targets for intervention, impacts of spasticity, fatigue and fall management programs, health services and delivery of care to evaluate and improve mood and fatigue, and telehealth interventions to improve access to care and symptom management to name a few. In addition, MS research is prevalent in the VA with research occurring throughout the country by Multiple Sclerosis Centers of Excellence (MSCoE) affiliated VA MS researchers.
MSCoE Researchers
Francesca Bagnato, MD, PhDAssociate Director Research MSCoE-East |
Daniel Harrison, MDFellowship Director MSCoE-East |
Jodie K. Haselkorn, MD, MPHDirector MSCoE-West |
Steve Leipertz, PhDAssociate Director Informatics, MSCoE-West |
Rebecca Spain, MD, MSPH, FAANAssociate Director Clinical Care, MSCoE-West |
Aaron Turner, PhDCo-Associate Director Research, MSCoE-West |
Mitchell Wallin, MD, MPHDirector, MSCoE-East |
Lindsey Wooliscroft, MD, MSAssociate Director Research, MSCoE-West |
Vijayshree Yadav, MD, MCR, FANA, FAANAssistant Director Clinical Care, MSCoE-West |
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