Vocational rehabilitation
VHA Vocational Rehabilitation is committed to assisting Veterans with psychiatric or physical disabilities reach their highest level of vocational productivity.
TEMPORARILY RELOCATED due to repair work. Now in Building 18 until 3/31/2025.
Care we provide at Hines VA
- Provide structured vocational evaluations
- Improve pre-vocational skills including:
- Adhering to a work schedule
- Working cooperatively with others
- Accepting supervision and doing quality work
- Reduce psychiatric and physical symptoms
- Increase relapse prevention skills
- Improve self-esteem and enhance quality of life
- Return Veterans to competitive employment
Programs to assist Veterans
- Compensated Work Therapy (CWT): Provides work restoration services to Veterans in rehabilitation. CWT programs include:
- Transitional Work (TW): An employment model that uses time limited, wage paying work assignments that combine real work skills development and supportive services to Veterans, so they can transition to, and are successful in retaining competitive employment.
- Supported Employment (SE): A recovery-oriented model that assists Veterans with severe mental illness (Bipolar, Schizophrenia, Psychosis, Polytrauma and SCI) obtain and maintain competitive employment in the community within an integrated setting.
- Community Based Employment Services (CBES): Provides vocational services to Veterans who have a history of sporadic employment, difficulty maintaining a job, difficulty initiating and following through on their job search, and are not able to obtain competitive work independently.
Vocational Assistance services consist of vocational assessment, vocational counseling, referrals and navigating access to community resources for job placement services provided by CWT staff. Veterans that seek help may be unemployed, currently working but desiring a career change, or recently disabled and requiring assistance to return to the work force.
No Veteran is billed for vocational rehabilitation services.
Criteria for acceptance
- Veteran eligible for VA healthcare.
- Referral from a VA provider in a psychiatric or medical rehabilitation program only.
- Involvement with the Substance Disorders Treatment Program for any Veteran with substance misuse.
- Motivation and ability to work.
Contact Information
- Location: TEMPORARILY RELOCATED due to repair work. Now in Building 18.
- Phone:
- Hours: Monday-Friday, 7:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
VBA Veteran Readiness and Employment
(VRE or Chapter 31)
VBA Veteran Readiness and Employment (VR&E) (Formerly known as Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment) services assists with job training, education, employment accommodations, resume development, and job seeking skills coaching.
To learn more about the VR&E program, review the VR&E Process page, and the tabs and links on this page. Click on the "How to Apply" tab to apply for VR&E services.
You can also check out their webpage at Veteran Readiness and Employment (VR&E) Home (va.gov)
Contact Information
- Location: Chicago Regional Office
- Phone: 1-800-827-1000
- Hours: Monday-Friday, 8 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.