Multiple Sclerosis Centers of Excellence
Multiple Sclerosis Centers of Excellence
The Veterans Affairs Multiple Sclerosis Centers of Excellence (MSCoE) are dedicated to furthering the understanding of multiple sclerosis (MS), its impact on Veterans, and effective treatments to help manage MS. By partnering with Veterans, caregivers, health care professionals, MS advocates, Veteran service organizations, and community health care institutes, MSCoE strives to minimize impairment and maximize quality of life for Veterans with MS.
MSCoE Network
Veteran Features
MSCoE Network
MSCoE is committed to ensuring access to VA MS health care services. To help in this process, a national network of MS care has been created. This network consists of the MSCoE East and West Coordinating Centers and the MS Regional Specialty Programs.
Each Veterans Integrated Service Network (VISN) will have at least one MS Regional Program that will serve as a source for MS specialty consultation and education.