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National Center for Veterans Analysis and Statistics



Various Charts and Graphs

Veteran Religious Affiliation by State
This dataset provides a count of Veterans by their religious affiliation and state of residence. The dataset covers all 50 states, District of Columbia and other territories.

Profile of Veterans:  2017
The profile shows the demographics and socioeconomic characteristics of Veterans by gender, race and ethnicity. It compares men to women Veterans; men and women Veterans to men and women non-Veterans; and minority Veterans to minority non-Veterans. This report uses data from the 2017 American Community Survey Public Use Microdata Sample.

Veterans by State
This table shows the number of Veterans by state in 2014. It shows Veteran demographic information, like unemployment rate, education level, median income, race and ethnicity, and poverty rate.

Rural Veterans by State
This spreadsheet contains data from the 2014 American Community Survey and shows the demographic and scioeconomic characteristics of Veterans who live in rural and urban areas.  The spreadsheet includes variables like:  raw numbers, unemployment rate, disability rate, median personal income, age groups, period of service and other variables.

Period of Service

Profile of Vietnam War Veterans:  2015
This profile uses the 2015 American Community Survey to provide a view into the demographic characteristics and socioeconomic conditions of the Vietnam War Veteran cohort.

Profile of Pre-911 Veterans:  2016
This profile uses data from the 2016 American Community Survey Public Use Microdata Sample and shows the demographic and socioeconomic status, and health characteristics for Pre-911 Veterans by Veteran status.

Vietnam Veterans by State:  2014
This report uses data from the 2014 American Community Survey and shows the demographic and socioeconomic status, and health characteristics for Vietnam Veterans by state.

Income & Poverty

Vietnam Veteran Deep-Dive on Health and Finance
This reportprovides a detailed view into Vietnam Veteran income, insurance coverage and disability variables in the American Community Survey.

The Veteran Working Poor: The Relationship between Labor Force Activity and Poverty Status
This report presents data on the working-poor and describes the relationship between labor force activity and poverty status in 2015 among Veterans and their families. Data from the 2015 American Community Survey was used to provide estimates by key demographics and socioeconomic characteristics such as age, gender, period of service, race/ethnicity, employment and occupation.

Veteran’s Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program (SNAP) 2013
This report uses U.S. Census Bureau’s American Community Survey 2013 data to characterize participants in the Veteran's Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program (SNAP).  Food security is an important part of Veteran's wellbeing.  About 6% of SNAP households has a Veteran.  Regardless of race, marital status, education, and income, Veteran households participate in SNAP less than non-Veteran households.

Characteristics of Homeless Veterans:  2009 and 2010
This brief uses data from the 2009 and 2010 Annual Homeless Assessment Reports (AHAR) to compare the demographic characteristics of Veterans homeless and non-Veteran homeless.  It also compares rural and urban Veteran Homeless.

Health, Education & Employment

Veterans Employment:  2000 to 2013
This report compares trends in unemployment rates between Veterans and non-Veterans using data from 10 years of the Current Population Survey.

Veterans Employed in the Federal Executive Branch:  Fiscal Year (FY) 2012
This report summarizes Veteran employment in the federal government using data from the Office of Personnel Management’s (OPM) report, Employment of Veterans in the Federal Executive Branch FY 2012.  According to OPM, 29.7% of Federal Executive Branch employees were Veterans in FY 2012 which is a 4.2% increase from FY 2008.  From FY 2008 to FY 2012, as the number of new hires decreased 32%, the percent of new hires who were Veterans increased 6 percentage points.

Health Insurance Coverage, Poverty, and Median Income of Veterans:  2000 to 2009
This report uses 10 years of data from the Annual Social and Economic Supplement of the Current Population Survey to compare the uninsured rate, poverty rate, and median income of Veterans and non-Veterans by select demographic characteristics.  Detailed appendix tables are also available.

Educational Attainment of Veterans:  2000 to 2009
This report uses 10 years of data from the Current Population Survey to compare the education levels of Veterans and non-Veterans by select demographic characteristics.  Detailed appendix tables are also available.

Labor Force Participation Rates of Veterans:  2000 to 2009
This report compares trends in labor force participation rates between Veterans and non-Veterans using data from 10 years of the Current Population Survey.

Utilization of VA Benefits & Services

Compensation and Pension by County and State
These reports provide county and state level estimates of the number of Veterans who received VA Disability Compensation or Pension benefits during the reported Fiscal Year.  It includes the Veterans’ total disability rating, age group, and sex.

By County
2019 2018 2017 2016 2015
2014 2013 2012 2011  
By State

2020 Memorial Day Visulization
This infographichighlights survivors use of VA benefits: Dependency and Indemnty, Compensation, Home Loan Guaranty, Survivors' Pension, and Education.

Minority Veterans Report
This reportis the first comprehensive report that chronicles the history of racial and ethnic minorities in the military and as Veterans, profiles characteristics of minority Veterans in 2014, illustrates how minority Veterans utilized some of the major benefits and services offered by the VA.

Women Veteran's Report 2015
This reportsummarizes the history of women Veterans in the military and as Veterans. It profiles the characteristics of women Veterans in 2015, illustrates how women Veterans used some of the major benefits and services that are offered by the Department of Veterans Affairs.

FY 2015 Profile of Unique Veteran Users
This report provides demographic, socio-economic, and utilization trends of Veterans who used at least one VA benefit or service each year between FY 2005 and FY 2015.  It also includes a comparison of Veterans who used VA benefits to Veterans who did not use VA benefits.

2010 National Survey of Veterans:  Understanding and Knowledge of VA Benefits and Services
This report uses data from the 2010 National Survey of Veterans, Active Duty Service Members, Activated National Guards and Reserve Members, Family Members and Survivors (NSV) to compare the awareness and knowledge of VA services and benefits among Veterans’’ groups.  It also explores the differences in levels of awareness between male Veterans and female Veterans.

America’s Women Veterans:  Military Service History and VA Benefit Utilization Statistics
This comprehensive report chronicles the history of women in the military and as Veterans, profiles the characteristics of women Veterans in 2009, illustrates how women Veterans in 2009 utilized some of the major benefits and services offered by VA, and discusses the future of women Veterans in relation to VA.  The goal of this report is to gain an understanding of who our women Veterans are, how their military service affects their post-military lives, and how they can be better served based on these insights.

Analysis of Unique Veterans Utilization of VA Benefits and Services
This report provides a look at the number of unique Veterans receiving VA benefits or services in FY 2008.  These Veterans made demands for Health Care, Compensation and Pension, Insurance, Education, Vocational Rehabilitation, Memorial Affairs, or Loan Guaranty services and benefits.

Historical / Annual

What are VA Historical Annual Reports?

VA Historical Annual Reports detail services provided by the Department for each Fiscal Year, including Benefits, Healthcare, and Burial/Memorial services.  The Reports also describe the topics of administration and management within VA, ranging from data on personnel to information on construction projects.  Statistical tables for a variety of subjects are also included.

Fiscal Years 1978-1989 and 1995-1998
1998 1997 1996 1995 1989
1988 1987 1986 1985 1984
1983 1982 1981 1980 1979
Fiscal Years 1958 to 1977
1977 1976 1975 1974 1973
1972 1971 1970 1969 1968
1967 1966 1965 1964 1963
1962 1961 1960 1959 1958
Fiscal Years 1938 to 1957
1957 1956 1955 1954 1953
1952 1951 1950 1949 1948
1947 1946      
Fiscal Years 1918 to 1937
1937 1936 1935 1934 1933
1932 1931 1930 1929 1928
1927 1926 1925 1922  

Trend Report 1970 to 1995

Veterans Affairs

Predecessor Reports

Bureau of War Risk Insurance
1920 1917      
Federal Board of Vocational Education
1922 1921 1920 1919 1918
National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers
1930 1929 1928 1927 1922
1919 1916 1914 1912 1906
1900 1897 1890 1888 1883
1882 1881 1880 1878 1875
1873 1871 1870 1868 1867
Public Health Service
1922 1921 1920 1919  
1956 Bradely Report
1956 Bradley Report        

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