Community Care
Fact Sheets for VHA Office of Integrated Veteran Care Programs
- Veteran Community Care
- CHAMPVA for Primary Family Caregivers
- Children of Women Vietnam Veterans
- Foreign Medical Program
- Spina Bifida Health Care Benefits Program
- Fact Sheets for Providers
All documents are in PDF format and require the use of Adobe Reader software to open them on a computer.
Veteran Community Care
General Information
- Customer Service Guide: Understanding the Community Care Process
This guide describes some of the key milestones in your community care experience and lays out touchpoints that may help you along the way. - Reporting Veteran Concerns with Community Care
Information on reporting concerns regarding the quality or safety of services received during a community care visit or other issues related to community services.
- Veteran Community Care–Eligibility
Describes community care eligibility, examples of how the six criteria would be applied and FAQs.
Appointments and Getting Care
- Veterans Community Care–Appointments and Getting Care
Describes how a Veteran can find a community provider, how referrals for community care are made, how appointments can be made and how care is provided. - Veteran Community Care Access to Information Prior to Surgery
Information to Veterans regarding where to find information on the surgeon that is performing their procedure.
Emergency Care / Urgent Care
- VA Community Emergency Care–Information for Veterans
Describes how to report your emergency treatment to VA. - Veteran Community Care–Urgent Care
Describes urgent care eligibility, how to find an urgent care provider, covered services, copayments and prescription medication.
Costs and Billing
- Billing and Payment
Describes Veteran copayments and health insurance, as well as community care payments and claims. - Adverse Credit Reporting
Provides information about adverse credit reporting and how Veterans can receive assistance dealing with such issues related to their VA healthcare.
CHAMPVA (Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Department of Veterans Affairs) / CHAMPVA Inhouse Treatment Initiative (CITI)
- Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Department of Veterans Affairs (CHAMPVA): Eligibility, Application Instructions, and Use of Other Health Insurance
- CHAMPVA Deductibles and Copays
- The CHAMPVA In-House Treatment Initiative (CITI)
Medicare and CHAMPVA
Pharmacy Benefits
- CHAMPVA Pharmacy Benefits
- OptumRx – Pharmacy Benefits Manager
- Medication Disposal Safety Tips (from VA Pharmacy Benefits Management Services)
Information for Students
CHAMPVA for Primary Family Caregivers
Children of Women Vietnam Veterans (CWVV) Health Care Benefits Program
Foreign Medical Program (FMP)
Spina Bifida (SB) Health Care Benefits Program
Fact sheets for Providers
Provider Reference LibraryIMPORTANT: You must have Adobe Reader version 6.0 or later installed on your computer to view the documents on this site. If you do not have Adobe Reader, you can download this FREE software from the Adobe website. (By clicking on the Adobe website link, you will leave the VHA OCC website. We do not endorse and are not responsible for the content of the linked website.)