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Community Care

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Fact Sheets for VHA Office of Integrated Veteran Care Programs

All documents are in PDF format and require the use of Adobe Reader software to open them on a computer.

Veteran Community Care

General Information


Appointments and Getting Care

Emergency Care / Urgent Care

Costs and Billing

  • Billing and Payment
    Describes Veteran copayments and health insurance, as well as community care payments and claims.
  • Adverse Credit Reporting
    Provides information about adverse credit reporting and how Veterans can receive assistance dealing with such issues related to their VA healthcare.

CHAMPVA (Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Department of Veterans Affairs) / CHAMPVA Inhouse Treatment Initiative (CITI)

Medicare and CHAMPVA

Pharmacy Benefits

Information for Students

CHAMPVA for Primary Family Caregivers

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Children of Women Vietnam Veterans (CWVV) Health Care Benefits Program

Foreign Medical Program (FMP)

Spina Bifida (SB) Health Care Benefits Program

Fact sheets for Providers

Provider Reference Library

IMPORTANT: You must have Adobe Reader version 6.0 or later installed on your computer to view the documents on this site. If you do not have Adobe Reader, you can download this FREE software from the Adobe website. (By clicking on the Adobe website link, you will leave the VHA OCC website. We do not endorse and are not responsible for the content of the linked website.)