National Center for Veterans Analysis and Statistics
Veteran Population
The Nation
Age/Sex | Period Served | Race/Ethnicity |
Branch of Service | Officer/Enlisted |
The States
Age/Sex | Period Served | Race/Ethnicity |
Other Demographics
Counties | All 118th Congressional Districts | All Veterans Integrated Service Networks |
Data reflected in the above population tables is for living Veterans.
The Veteran Population Projection Model 2023 (VetPop2023) provides the latest official Veteran population projection from the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). VetPop2023 is a deterministic projection model developed by the the National Center for Veterans Analysis and Statistics to estimate and project the Veteran Population from Fiscal Year (FY) 2023 to FY2053. Using the best available Veteran data at the end of FY2023 as the base population, VetPop2023 projects living and deceased Veteran counts by key demographic characteristics such as age, gender, period of service, and race/ethnicity at various geographic levels for the next 30 years. See VetPop2023 A Brief Description and more detailed information will be provided later.
This Number of Projected Veterans in 50 States, DC, and PR from 9/30/2019 to 9/30/2021 table is based on urban/rural distributions from ACS, VetPop2018 projections for 9/30/2019, and 9/30/2020, and 9/30/2021 are allocated by urban and rural areas, including gender and age group.
This Percent Change in Veteran Population by State from 2000 to 2020 provides estimates and projections of the Veteran Population using the Veteran Projection Model (VetPop). Based on available information through September 30, 2018, the latest model VetPop2018 projected a steady decrease in the Veteran population over the next 30 years. The "Percent Change in Veteran Population" data table shows the change in the Veteran population from 2000 to 2020 by state. During this period, the average decrease in the Veteran population is 25% at the state level.
This Korean War Veterans infographic commemorates U.S. Service Members of Korean War, which took place 70 years ago, and describes living Veterans by gender and age, top 5 states of residency, and trends from 2000 to 2040.
In recognition of Veterans Day 2020 NCVAS developed an online story, Veterans Day 2020: Honoring the 30th Anniversary of the Gulf War. It recognizes the service of the cohort of veterans who served in the Pre-911 Gulf War era, 2) reports trends in their utilization of VA benefits and services, and 3) encourages all Veterans to apply for the benefits and services they have earned.
The 2020 Memorial Day Visualization highlights survivors use of VA benefits: Dependency and Indemnity, Compensation, Home Loan Guaranty, Survivors' Pension and Education..
The Veterans Day 2019 Infographic highlights how Veterans continue to serve in the Federal Government and the private sector.
The VetPop2018 Infographic displays charts, graphs, maps to visualize data of the Veteran Population Projection Model 2018 (VetPop2018). VetPop16 provides the latest official Veteran population by key demographic characteristics such as age/generations, gender, period of service and race/ethnicity at the national, state and Congressional District levels for the next 30 years.
The WW1 Infographic shows how occupations of WWI Veterans in 1930 have evolved and changed from the Gulf War I Era Veterans' occupations in 2008.
This Memorial Day 2019 Infographic illustrates the sacrifice of America's Veterans during the battle, other deaths while in service, and after leaving the military. The infographic also provides key statistics on how VA's National Cemetery Administration memorializes Veterans.
The Demographic Characteristics data table provides a brief demographic profile of Veterans who separated from the military at two points in time: 2011 and 2017. It contains distributions on age, sex/ethnicity, and military component.
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